Environmental Consulting You Can Trust

Lodestar Environmental Consulting is a Florida based ecological consulting firm that specializes in providing a wide range of environmental services and ecological consulting to clients across various industries.

About Us

We are committed to promoting sustainable practices and helping our clients achieve their business goals while protecting the environment.

We are committed to promoting sustainable practices and helping our clients achieve their business goals while protecting the environment.

Our team of highly skilled professionals has provided exceptional environmental consulting services to private landowners, businesses, and public agencies. Our expertise covers a broad spectrum of environmental issues, including due diligence surveys, jurisdictional wetland delineations and assessments, Uniform Mitigation Assessment Method (UMAM), wetland mitigation, listed species surveys and permitting, environmental resource permitting, permit compliance, SWPPP Design, NPDES Inspections, water resources management and habitat management plans. We pride ourselves on our ability to provide customized solutions tailored to meet our clients’ specific needs. Our team works closely with each client to understand their unique challenges and develop effective strategies to achieve their project goals.

Due Diligence surveys

Whether you are planning to buy, build or move to Florida or you are planning a project in the sunshine state, a due diligence survey should be your first step in the process.

Due diligence surveys can help you and your team understand the environmental resources or constraints that may be present on or directly adjacent to a property or project.

  • A Due Diligence Survey and Report can provide evidence to negotiate a land deal
  • Help implement avoidance and minimization (wetlands and listed species)
  • Help you understand the permitting requirements and costs you may encounter
  • Provide an inventory of natural resources (quantity and quality) 

We get calls every month from people who need our help getting through sticky regulatory situations they did not anticipate. Lodestar conducts numerous due diligence surveys every year for people and projects throughout the state of Florida. Let us do the background research and homework before you buy or build.

wetland assessments

Wetland Delineation and Assessment

Wetlands are vital ecosystems that provide numerous benefits, such as flood control, water filtration, and wildlife habitat. Our team of wetland experts conduct detailed wetland delineations and perform accurate wetland assessments in accordance with the Florida Wetland Delineation Manual (Chapter 62-340, F.A.C). We also assist our clients in obtaining permits from County, State and Federal agencies for activities that may impact these sensitive areas.


(Some counties require local wetland permitting)


Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) 

Northwest Florida Water Management District(NWFWMD)

 Suwannee River Water Management District (SRWMD)

 St. Johns River Water Management District (STJRWMD)

Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD)

South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD)


U.S Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)

Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)

Endangered Species Act

Listed Species Surveys And Permitting

Our team is well-versed with the Endangered Species Act (ESA) along with state and federal laws that protect endangered or threatened species. We provide expert guidance to our clients on obtaining permits for activities that may impact listed species. Our team conducts thorough species surveys and works closely with regulatory agencies to secure necessary permits.

Our professional ecologist and biologist have years of experience conducting listed species surveys to identify the presence and relative abundance of species considered Endangered, Threatened, or of Special Concern by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) under Title 50 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) 11-12 or the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) under Chapter 68A-27 F.A.C.

Surveys include:

  • Gopher tortoise surveys, permitting and relocations
  • Avian surveys and permitting
  • Sand skink surveys and FWS consultation
  • Eastern indigo snake protection plans
  • Agency coordination for avoidance and monitoring, Habitat Conservation Plans (HCP’s) and Section 7 consultation


Environmental Permitting and Compliance

At Lodestar Environmental Consulting, we understand the difficulty and importance of complying with environmental regulations. We can help streamline the permit compliance issues so that our clients can focus on what they do best… getting the job done.  

Our team has extensive knowledge and experience in navigating complex regulatory processes at the local, state, and federal levels. We assist our clients in obtaining permits for various activities such as land development, construction projects, agricultural projects, mining operations, electrical and gas utilities and transmission, National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP).

Other Services

Gopher Tortoise Surveys, Permitting, and Relocations

The Gopher Tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) is protected in the state of Florida and listed as threatened under state law 68A-27 F.A.C, and any activity that could harm or disturb them requires proper permitting. Lodestar FWC authorized Gopher Tortoise Agents have over 15 years of experience conducting gopher tortoise surveys, acquiring relocation permits from FWC and conducting relocations. Whether it’s just one burrow on a single family home lot or 500 burrows on a renewable energy project, Lodestar can handle it from start to finish.

In addition to gopher tortoise relocations, Lodestar Staff has assisted numerous large acreage private landowners with the suitable habitat evaluations, site selection mapping, surveys, habitat management plans, FWC coordination and has successfully permitting of over 13 gopher tortoise recipient sites throughout Florida, enhancing the long-term conservation for the gopher tortoise and the 350 commensal species that live in tortoise burrows.

  • Gopher tortoise surveys, permitting, relocations and FWC permit compliance
  • Recipient site surveys, permitting and annual compliance monitoring

Geographic Information Systems​

Our team utilizes Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology to analyze and visualize spatial data related to environmental issues. We provide innovative solutions using GIS to assist our clients in making informed decisions about their projects. Our GIS services include habitat mapping, species distribution analysis, and more.

Land Management​

At Lodestar Environmental Consulting, we offer comprehensive land management services that promote responsible stewardship of natural resources. Our team works with private landowners and government agencies to develop sustainable land management plans that benefit both the environment and the land owner.

Avian Protection Planning​

Birds are a critical component of our ecosystem and protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Reform Act (MBTRA) Bald And Gloden Eagle Protection Act (BGEPA), Endangered and Threatened Species Act In Florida (68A-27.003, F.A.C). Our team has significant experience i Avian Protection Plans (APPs) for clients whose activities may impact migratory birds or other sensitive avian species. We work closely with our clients to ensure projects are in compliance with state and federal agencies (FWC and FWS). 

Lodestar staff is FAA Part 107 Commercial Drone Pilot Certified and when appropriate can utilized arial drone observation for locating, identifying and determining nest utilization and nesting status.

Presence / absence / nesting season utilization surveys; productivity monitoring, reporting, agency consultation and permitting for the following species in Florida

  • Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)
  • Crested Caracara (Caracara cheriway)
  • Florida Scrub Jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens)
  • Florida Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia floridana)
  • Southeast American Kestrel (Falco sparverius paulus)
  • Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)
  • Florida Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis pratensis)
  • Wood Stork and Wading Birds

Water Resources Management

Water is one of our most valuable resources, and proper management is crucial to its preservation. At Lodestar Environmental Consulting, we provide a wide range of water resources management services, including water quality monitoring, watershed assessments, and stormwater management planning. Our team also helps clients obtain necessary permits for activities that involve water use or impact water resources.


FDEP certified Stormwater, Erosion, and Sedimentation Control Inspector (FSESCI)

FWC authorized Gopher Tortoise Agents

FWC authorized Burrowing Owl Agent

U.S Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) Qualified Avian Observer (Bald Eagles, Crested Caracara, Florida Scrub Jays) 

Contact Us Today

Let's Get Started

Lodestar Environmental Consulting is committed to providing top-notch environmental services and ecological consulting to help our clients achieve their goals in an environmentally responsible manner. Our team of experts is dedicated to finding innovative solutions for complex environmental issues and ensuring compliance with all applicable regulations. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist with your ecological consulting needs.

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